Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 steps to a new decor

I have been retired for nearly 2 years now, and I do like my house, but it has been lacking in style.  I finally realised its because it's a bit too formal, and now we live a more relaxed lifestyle.  So, this year I am setting myself a challenge to declutter and change the décor to a more "Hamptons" look.  Without spending a lot of money!

How to start - in 5 easy steps.

1. Pick a Style

By picking a style you like (and want) you can keep your options limited, and make it easier to decide on what purchase you might need.  Your style has to suit your lifestyle, or the one you want in my case!  This is probably the most important step you will have to make, and not an easy one. 
A simple way of finding what you do like, and what is in step with your personal preferences is to start a Pinterest Board.  Here are a few pins from my "Hamptons" board:
If you are unsure of your style, simply do a search on Pinterest for "home décor" or "home decorating" find the pins you love and start pinning!  Very soon you see a style emerge.  There are some considerations from there, ask yourself a couple of questions:
  • Will it fit with my house?
  • Do I own some things that fit the style?
  • Can I afford it?
There is not much use picking a style like "glamour" if you have a little cottage,  no items at home that go with that style  and no money to buy any!  The most likely outcome is that you do own things you can use, after all, you like the type of décor you chose.  Take a look in your cupboards, under the bed and anywhere else you may have things put away for a rainy day.
Remember, the aim is not to re-create a room you find, (although you may want to do that) but to re-style you home to fit with your life.  For me this step took 2 years, while my lifestyle changed and I worked out what I really liked and worked in our home.
Here's a quote from The Inspired Room Blog that I really agree with : The reality for most of us is you have to start with what you have, or what you find on the budget you have and in what order you find it in, and then evolve from there. It’s not a perfect formula, but it’s your home, not a show room!

2. Pick a room 

Start with an easy room, one that is small, not too cluttered and on its way to the look you want.  Don't try to start too big, it's too daunting, and much too hard.  Start small and work your way around the house.  Try to pick a room that does not need repainting, just a bit of revamping or staging.
Remember that this is a slow process, it may take quite a bit of time to do even one room, but it is worth it.  You are creating your home, so take your time and enjoy the process.

3. Clean and declutter

Sometimes I think this is the hardest part!  Give the room a really good spring clean, clean the windows, shampoo the carpet, wash the curtains, then stand back. Is it clean enough for your mother in law?  If not, keep cleaning!
Now, lets declutter.  The tried and true method of four boxes DOES work, one for the TRASH, one for DONATING, one for SELLING and one for RELOCATION.  (Relocation means storage! an good example is the xmas decorations)
Tip: get a friend to help you, especially if you find it hard to throw things out, they can be your reality check.
This process takes time too!  DO NOT try to do everything at once, if you are like me it will do you head in!  Take one draw, one cupboard or one shelf and set yourself a time limit, do it in that time and no more.  Your sanity is more important that decluttering. 
My method is the garbage bag fill!  I find it works to have a green garbage bag in the study that is for Vinnies (donations), as I find something it goes in the bag, once the bag is full it is donated.  It is not left in the room, it is not sent to the garage, it is donated at once!  The down side is that there is a green garbage bag in the study of course!  I sell my things on Gumtree (because its free)  and give away things on FreeCycle (everything I gave away here has been really wanted by the person receiving it, and very satisfying).

4. Repaint, Fix or Replace

Stand back, be critical now and see what needs freshening up.  Fix all the little things that need to be done, (see my example below), and repaint what needs repainting.  A word about paint, it can be the easiest way to revamp a room, a fresh coat of paint is not only cheap but it is quite easy.  If you are not repainting the whole room, check all the doors, skirting boards and surrounds for chips etc.  Consider repainting them, or just touching them up.  Remember that details count.
Replacing some things might be necessary, a good example is my 40's find, a chest of draws and one bedside table.  Well, I actually need two bedside tables with draws.  So that goes on the list for replacing.  The replacement could be a brand new set that fits in with the scheme I want, or it could be a Vinnies find that gets repainted.  Use your imagination here, don't be constrained by what you have, consider how you can re-use it.

5. Decide what you need to add to the room (buy) - find the extras you need.

Finding the things you need to style your room can be as expensive as a piece of string is long.  I don't have a lot of money for my re-do so, I have a strategy.  
1. Find the things I love on websites and wait for a sale,
2. Check out look alikes at places like Target and K Mart,
 3. Search the op-shops for things that can be up-cycled.
The main thing is what you DON'T buy.  Don't buy things just because they are there, wait until you get what you love.  Don't buy that antique hatstand that does not fit with your décor!  Be patient and buy things slowly, and mix the textures in the room and enjoy getting the details right along the way.  Remember patience, style and affordability should be your watch words.
Well, I have my style, the room I have picked is my bedroom, so stay tuned for the progress. 

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