The photos he has taken for our website are just as good as any photo I have seen on long-standing company websites. Take a look at this:
Len does all the technical taking of the shot, while I do the photoshopping to size and re-colour the background. Getting a white background is actually very difficult, even with a light tent etc. the shots come out with a greyish background. Thank god for google and Youtube! As well as the generosity of many people who post online. I found out about the quick select tool, and how to use the bucket tool in photoshop, and be the end of the day this:
Turned into this:
Not bad hey?
I was not really into nor did I understand the power of Youtube until my lovely nephew started doing movies (ie acting in them) and I found out he has his own Youtube channel. Check it out at
He will be famous one day.
I leave with this quote, its kind of how I feel right now.
“Kids on the Youtube, learning how to be cool.”
― Toby Keith