Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Hassle free dinner party.

This time of year it's hard to see everyone you want to, and not get exhausted.  We had some friends over for a dinner party yesterday and it was hassle free (relatively), most of the work was done before hand.   My instructions assume you can cook, so if you are a novice, this is not for you.
The menu was:
  • Pretzels to nibble
  • Oysters 3 ways
  • Rainbow trout and prawns with chat potatoes and fennel salad
  • Rosewater panna cotta and strawberries.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I've travel a lot, interstate and overseas for work and pleasure, as has my husband, and my son - well don't get me started with his itchy feet.  Here are my top tips that I ADHERE TO RELIGIOUSLY for a hassle free trip, be it ship or plane.
  1. Plan as if every form of transport is going to be delayed, a half hour changeover at an airport is NOT enough - no matter what the travel agent says.
  2. Read the conditions of your ticket before you go - what can you carry on, what amount of luggage etc.  Don't forget to check the electric voltage too, in case you need an adaptor.
  3. Get to the airport early and expect problems - delays and hassles are the norm, so don't get stressed by them, expect them.  I'm always delighted when things do go to plan.
  4. Pack a change of underwear, sox and t shirt in your carry on - bags get lost often, so better to have a quick change with you.
  5. Pack all and any medication in your carry on - see (4) above! And this applies to cruises too!
  6. Never pack anything in checked luggage you cannot bear to lose - I can give you a list of stolen items and bags from us and others.  This means cameras and laptops have to go in carry on luggage.  Lock all luggage, including carry-ons, don't expect them to stop thieves however.
  7. Take Sards wonder soap for spot clothes washing.
  8. Take a couple of blow up coathangers - you can wash a t-shirt and it will dry overnight in aircon with these. Available at most airports or luggage shops.
  9. Pack a large Chux  - doubles as a  towel and is handy as anything, actually pack 2!
  10. Send a copy of your documents - including passport and credit card photos to someone in the family you trust and can contact easily in case all is stolen.

Above all, enjoy your trip.

PS. One last thing, I leave all my good jewellery, including my engagement ring at home, where it is fully insured, and just take nice costume jewellery with me.  We have had jewellery we bought overseas stolen on two occasions now despite being careful!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Our first crop of ginger

Well, here it is, my first ginger crop!
And here are a few tips about growing it:
  • Plant your ginger in early spring, not too deep below the ground.
  • It needs lots of sun.
  • Water well in summer, do not let it dry out.
  • Dig it up when the leaves suddenly turn yellow around the edges and fall over - don't worry, you will know it when you see it.
  • Re plant at least one small piece for next year.
  • Store, peeled, in the fridge in a jar full of vodka.  ( I know it is a waste of good vodka!)  This is the only way it will keep for a long time without deteriorating.