I just wanted to thank Melissa Michaels for her wonderful blog. Its a real inspiration and has got me started on re-vamping my house to suite my retired lifestyle more. Her blog is called The Inspired Room (linked here) and she is the first person whom I have found had a similar de-clutter method to me. Such a nice feeling to find a like minded soul!
Melissa calls it the "A bag a day" method, I just call it the garbage bag fill! You can read about my method in my blog post 5 steps to redecorate an exiting home. Last week I went through my "good" wardrobe of clothes. Mostly they are outfits I have worn to work functions, race days, sponsorship dinners etc. and I won't be wearing them again. In fact, I have not worn them for 2 years. So I started another bag(s) for the Op shop!
I have decided that I will try to sell some of them however, on the website Gumtree, as some of them are designer labels. I figure even if I get a small amount of money for them, I know it is going to someone who really wants the outfits and will appreciate them. Then I can buy something I want.
If you want some inspiration, just take a look at Melissa's new book Love the Home you Have, which will be out soon.