Thursday, August 1, 2013

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My top tips for travelling

The bags are packed, the boarding passes are printed, we are off to Singapore tomorrow!  Then heading to London, and the Scotland and Ireland, a brief sojourn to Paris, back to London and 5 days in Phuket, Thailand.  Along the way I will try to put some blogs up to document where and what we go to.

In the meantime, here are my tips when travelling:
  1. Sards Wonder Soap is great for rinsing out those undies etc. and easy to pop into a bag.
  2. I always take a couple of blow up coathangers, you can wash a t shirt and dry it overnight with one of those!
  3. As we will be travelling around, I pack all the undies, sox, scarves, cold weather gear and swimmers into large zip lock bags, easy to get out of bags and into draws.
  4. On overseas travel I take carry on luggage with almost nothing in it, so that I can take some weight out of bags for internal flights.
  5. This time we are taking a couple of bike locks, to use on the Eurostar and while our bags are in the car - should make trying to steal them much harder.
  6. I take a fairly large handbag, again so that I can fit some things in it to lighten other bags if necessary.
  7. Carry on luggage needs a lock on it - you neve know when it will need to go into the hold of a plane.
  8. I always take some spare panties and a days worth of medication in my handbag - you never know when bags can be lost.